Time Waits for No One…
Our little ones grow up so fast and in a blink of an eye they are already celebrating their first birthday. Let’s capture these moment as they grow, because they will never be this small again. Being able to capture their new adventures as them come that will last in that moment forever.

Tummy Time
During this time (3-6months) your little one is learning how to control their body. In this age group most babies are able to lay on their tummies and raise their heads. They are using their hands and feet to swing about. They are more alert and notice their surroundings. In this stage we can capture their budding personalities and the wonder in their eyes. Tummy time session are great for the little ones that have not yet mastered sitting unassisted.

During this time (6-11months) your little one is not sitting up unassisted and are moving about. Them may even be pulling up and trying to walk. At this stage is where we like to capture their new found accomplishments. The are responding more to their name being called and showing interest is things that interest them. They enjoy playing with their hands a feet and laughing at goofy faces and sounds.